Age of Mythology Under Parallels


Age of Mythology: Including Titans Expansion is a great game, and since the Titan’s Expansion was never released for the Mac, running the PC version is a job for Parallels. Unfortunately, Age of Mythology doesn’t like the video driver Parallels uses.

This graphics card is not supported by Age of Mythology. Please check for a list of supported graphics cards. Age of Mythology will now exit.

Video Card 0: prl_vadd.dll Parallels Video Adapter Vendor(0x1AB8) Device(0x4005)

Fortunately, you can fix this by dropping some new driver definitions into the following folder:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Mythology\gfxconfig2

The definitions are attached below and just need to be unzipped to that folder.

AoM Driver Definitions for Parallels

You may also want to modify your startup shortcut to skip intro cinematics and begin in widescreen.

“C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Mythology\aomx.exe” +noIntroCinematics xres=1680 yres=1050 bpp=32

About Aaron

Aaron is the founder of Spicy Pixel and works in the technology industry on nifty projects that he likes to write about. The contents of this website represent personal opinion and not necessarily those of his employers or sponsors.